20110629, 9:35 PM
Sitting alone at the back of the seat doesn't feel good. ;c The car is so spacious shouldn't there be someone else there as well. These few days have been so embarrassing! Every now or then I will do something silly. Used the wrong card, level or ask for something I have already done. :/
20110622, 8:18 PM
Updates of my baby cousin! Her nanny's daughter uploaded a photo of her and that's epic. This reminds me of a conversation with my aunt the previous day. I was asking her when will she be coming over to sg again. My intention was to ask my friends over to my house to show off. My cousin is growing speedily every single day and less chubby at the same time. That's a bad thing. Who doesn't love chubby ones? To be frank, I miss her dearly as well esp when she was 3 months old. Guess I don't have to say how much I miss her. My fb wall and Itouch has her photos all over. C; Actually, I am waiting for something each day. Guess it wasn't a big deal. I must be dreaming to wait for someone who's has been a receiver all along. No longer be the one who initial anymore. Like now I got the taste of giving too much. Everything is rather subjective. If you think so, it will be. If u don't, it wouldn't be. Best solution? Don't think that it is then. Better than strongly believing in it. At the end of the day, you are the only one tangling there and cant move on. Or rather let me re-phrase. Keep on learning and accepting EVERYTHING be it ridiculous or shocking. Everything. There's no obligation to invite u. or no obligation to know more about you. How have you been? anything interesting? Or anything to tell u about themselves? or to share with you their inner thoughts. Not at all. Ppl just like to keep to themselves. even to those closest to u. That's you. I know. no offence.
20110621, 9:04 PM
Boring at work. No one to talk to and doing all those shittie work. Give me something interesting, please? Spare me from delivering documents, coffee from a specific outlet and stalking interviewer. Other than that, my lunch options are vast! From 313 to cine, I have a little problem to choose what to eat for lunch. If anyone who drop by orchard around 12.30pm, please do give me a call. C; Ask me out for lunchie. I need a lunch BREAK.
20110620, 9:01 PM
Family day.
 Family day on Sunday is awesome. It's the first time we ever went out tgt to cycle. C; PLUS it was sis's payday. she was such a generous girl and pay for most of the bills! Only valid for that day. In total 3 of us spent 200 on a day - on food, a pants for mum and cycle. Unbelievable ba. Merely a day. Next time we will organise another family outing on my pay day. It will be my turn to pay all of the bills. It's fun this way. What else can we do next time? I thought of picnic, fly kite and hop around different food stores. Singapore is small. What else can i do with my mum and sis? Bowling! My mum loves to play that. Or some shopping for mum. I have already done enough shopping this month. Anw Mango is having SALES! You will be sorry if you don't grab any items on the shelves. QUICK RUN TO MANGO NOW~ haha.
20110618, 11:36 AM
What's for Saturday? Drama all day long. Totally have no idea what can I do. ;C Actually, there's something that has been bugging me. I shall put it on hold and see if how long does it takes. Words wouldn't move me. It's ur attitude and actions. We shall see.
20110616, 9:03 PM
Hello mr boring.
B.O.R.I.N.G That's my conclusion at work. It will be better if I could hear a few of accounting terms. During my vacation, the urge for an Iphone is overwhelming and always at the wrong timing. Amazingly the company I am attached to doesn't have internet access to the social networking. The best that they can provide is google! ;/ What should there isn't much for me to do? 8 hrs leh! argh. Who will be kind enough to learn me Iphone for 3 months? Therefore, for the subsequent re-contract will be a smart phone or Iphone? Must be something with Internet access. Earliest will be this coming Dec. Need to shop a little to balance my life. Just received my loot. 2 more to go. Overspent a lot this week! half of it contribute to my shopping. Initially, I plan to meet up for a dinner or anything. Guess have to put it on hold. BOO~! ;<
20110614, 10:29 PM
Looking forward.
There's so much things that I have to do this holiday. Prawning pool cycling chalet wildHoney Chinatown.... On and on. Meeting my uni friends tml for dinner and may be we will be able to plan our upcoming meet ups! :) From thurs onwards, I will be working full time and no longer be able to meet up on weekdays afternoon. The working time is not fixed too. There are times where I will have to work OT and kinda of unpredictable. Don't dare to arrange meet-ups on weekdays. :( may be after a week or two I will be able to grasp their pace and predict the days that there be no OT. Woot~ I managed to get one of the item on my order list. Happy!! Another was already pending I rmb I commented at 8.34pm. ( the launch timing is 8.30pm) thats fast man. If there's back order, not sure if I should go for it? This sun. The day I look forward to C;
20110613, 4:26 PM
First day.
It's my first day of work. Initially, I was puzzled over the fact that the first 3 days of my work is half day and from Thurs onwards will be full shift. Only till this morning, I asked another temp staff about it and realised it was my manager's decision of letting me having a break after my previous job. Indeed. A rest and settle down real soon. Previously, I have been working on my modules own time own target. As I wish. Now it's a fixed 9 to 6pm full time work. Work, work and work. C; All the best, piper!!
20110611, 12:57 PM
It makes me wonder if it always work this way :Give-and-take. Do you really understand the meaning? Shared benefits and co operations? Would you plan everything? would you stop thinking why should I be the one doing everything? or would you give suggestions? I am most willing to. Would you? Talk to me.
20110610, 8:24 PM
If you want to contact me, you will definitely be able to. Now it depends on whether you want or not. Call me out. What are you waiting for? Was about to reply my friend's comment and she deleted it. :( New job. New definition. Super nervous and worries about this and that. I was told that my job doesn't stick to the desk. Movement around buildings and delivering of documents are expected. Not sure if you get the clue - my new job is HR assistant at some recognised company. So, it hints me that I need a pair of good shoes with a little bit of heels as I will be meeting people across various departments. May be "suitable" clothes will be another factor to consider. Don't have any at home. There's a few in my wardrobe - blouse is not a problem. It's the bottom! My pants are low waistStraightCutBaggy - goona be embarrassing if anything happens. Straight cut and baggy can be not a problem with killer heels. But it's definitely not goona be my choice of shoe. I need a suitable pants for work! However, come to think of it, part-timers don't really dress that nicely. Black pants is often seen. Thinking I should survey their dress code on the first 3 days of training. C; The sweet thing is that my first 3 days of work will be half day. If there's anything lacking, I could just shop all i want after work. Isn't it awesome?
20110607, 9:28 PM
Expect the unexpected.
I can't imagine things can turn out so smoothly.
My temporary assignment is going to end this Friday and I managed to get another temp admin job which start work at the following Monday. The usual case for me wasn't so lucky and have to be the last one. This time round was spontaneous. C;
To celebrate this tiny happiness - I bought potato chips and a 8 days magazine. Easily satisfied girl. It doesn't have to be anything HUGE in value or size. Doubt that I will have the chance to grab a bag of potato chips from next week onwards. So, it's time to satisfy my potato crave.
--- I will be able to get my instax camera from pris tml! My one and only instax camera. It's supposed to be my 21st birthday wish list. Only till now I managed to fulfil it. Consider it as a late birthday gift for myself. May be I should move on to my next on-the-list.
20110606, 2:55 PM
Silently. It will.
Something came to my mind. Random. Do you deserve it? This came to my mind. At times, I have this habit of asking myself some questions and get some answers somewhere. Communication is a two way. Used to have a habit to blame myself whenever anything happens. Come to think of it, it doesn't have to be so every times. If someone really treasure or thinks the same as I do, s/he will definitely do something but not sit back and wait. Once in a while, I felt pressurized from the expectation that things should be done this and that way. People don't like to do things that extra. If asked to do, the first thing that came to their mind will be "why should I be the one doing?" Have anyone wonder if everyone has this thought and what will happen? Everything is a two-way. If they do, they will. So far none. I guess I don't have to keep holding onto it. Just fade off silently. There are times I wonder is it very impt to make nice in front of others and whats closest to you aren't that impt. What makes u have such thinking?
20110603, 12:34 PM
It's boring to simply stay at home. But thats the way to cut down on my expenditure. As always, I am contradicting myself. This reminds me of someone I don't really like. He always say that I am contradicting myself and criticised me as someone with "interesting" character. Thanks him for being frank. No one's perfect, my friend. Must he talk this way. Even talking to a friend can be so tiring. I SWEAR . anw, back on track. I have already watch the dramas that I like. It's boring to just stay at home. TO kill time, I did some housework one by one. BORING.BORING. Ohya. This sun there will be a gathering at my grandma's house to celebrate father's day and grandpa's birthday. Finally, I will be able to visit my baby cousin enen! My sweetheart. C; *muack BORING.
Holiday mood.
In a month's time, I will be heading to kukup! It's like living above the sea. Wouldn't it be fun and relaxing. The last time I went there was primary school and doesn't own a camera. Therefore, I didn't really get to take any photos at all and can't show it to you guys. Previously, I stayed in one of the resident's house. This time round we are given another option which is hotel-like. May be around SG$100 OR rm$100. My cousins will take care of it. =P