Second chance.
I wondered if second chance do really exist in this world.
It exist only when the effort is being made.
For every actions men has done, there is a meaning behind it.
If it leads to misunderstanding, use ur action to explain it.
instead of using that mouth of yours.
Actions are enough to answer for everything.
At times, men doesn't have to mention
use our heart to see.
use your eyes to hear.
what are these things telling you?
ask yourself.
it will be meaningless if men have to answer everything.
leave some rooms for imagination and discovery.
wouldn't it be better?
this seems to be a common sense thing to mention.
but not to many =)
guess wat
I Believe that if both parties made the effort to prolong a relationship.
everything will turns out pleasant or may be perfect
if one of the party have this thought tat his/her partner have to meet his/her expectation
this relationship is bound to fail one dae.
other guys/ gals may not be as sweet/ lovely as you thought.
everyday there will be someone who thought that
"you know wat. other gals wouldnt behave like you do. unreasonable!"
the fact that someone thought of this is silly.
we have to learn to accept everything is this world.
changes are needed but it can be done in a nicer way
not every method works on every person.
JAN- busy everyday to complete my projects. Recently, my group mate made a serious error. She sent my group's project to another group of my class. This may sound nothing to many. Due to the fact that the project only sent to my very OWN class, you are wrong.
No doubt that my class is one of the most competitive class. Everyday we looked upon each other as competitor and waiting to see each other to fail. Unlike another class in my module, they are united, doesn't prey on others and mock on their failure. Every single cruel facts of the real working life like back stabbing, unfairness and lots more exist in my class.
Guys talk during the tutorial are allowed. Gals talked in the class are banned. "XX and XX stop talking. " this sentence only seems to be able to slot in the gals name but not guys.
However, these cruel facts helps to sharpen my experience and motivate me to work even harder. Thanks to them. =)
Always believe in yourself. take their words for reference ONLY.